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Home of the Freedom Dinners. We exist to give freedom by creating beautiful community.

The Fiesta Feast

The Fiesta Feast


Creating a feast is more about gathering together than any big hunk of meat or a big bird in the oven. ;) And who says it has to be Cinco de Mayo to Feast Fiesta style! Plus, creating a big spread of Fiesta inspired dishes makes an incredibly easy menu to delegate.

Give each guest an item or dish to bring, you can take care of the table and let everyone truly help bring the feast together.


Now split this menu up - decide what you’re going to make and then invite your friends, asking them to choose one item from the menu to bring! If you have time, have your friends bring their ingredients to your house so you can cook together.

There is something so beautiful about creating the meal together, making a mess, talking about life and then setting the table to feast.

Now for the Table!

Ciderpress Lane

Fiestas feel lighter to me, even if you’re hosting one in the dead of winter - break out any lengths of fabric that you have that can brighten your space up. Go bold with bright teals or pinks. If you want to get really crafty, purchase a long roll of brown Kraft Paper and paint a your table runner!

I created a stencil for ours out of an old file folder, but any type of cardstock paper will work. You can print out the design you prefer, lay it over the cardstock and cut out the inner part of the pattern so that when you lay it over the Kraft paper you are painting the inside portion of the design. Duplicate this down the length of the table!

You can also repurpose large tomato, hominy or bean cans into vases. You’ll be purchasing these already for the recipes! Look for the authentic from Mexico style canned beans and hominy when you’re shopping. Give them a good rinse and fill them with any bright flowers.

Bright colored bottles work great as vases or candle holders as well.

Ciderpress Lane

The great thing about Fiestas is that any mix of bright colors will work! Whether you’re layering fabrics with lace and colored bottles or painting your own table runner. Fill that table with people and delicious food and you’ll end the evening with a full heart.

We can’t wait to see what kind of magic you create - be sure to tag us @ciderpresslane so we can share in the feasting and community with you! And if you’re hosting this Fiesta ‘Freedom Dinner' style - be sure to fill us in on how it all goes!!

Cheers to creating community that gives Freedom.

Italian Family Dinner

Italian Family Dinner

How To: Four Easy Recipes And One Easy Meal Plan

How To: Four Easy Recipes And One Easy Meal Plan