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Home of the Freedom Dinners. We exist to give freedom by creating beautiful community.

Four Reasons The Impromptu Dinner Is The BEST

Four Reasons The Impromptu Dinner Is The BEST

4 reasons the impromptu dinner is the bestt.png

Do you ever feel like the impromptu plans end up being the best? Friends invite you to join them last minute to hang out, the sun comes out so you decide to head to the beach, you throw stuff into the back of the car and hit the trails to hike. I love these types of adventures, and this type of dinner party is by far the best!

 1. Impromptu means you don't have to plan.

You know all the stress of trying to decide what to cook, who should sit where, how much to buy, will this couple get along with the other couple? Yeah, ditch all of that and just invite friends to come over.

Pull out whatever you have, chips and salsa? Great. Pick up a pizza, awesome! Throw that extra chicken on the grill, or just include folks in what you're already doing that night. 

Being part of people's real every day life is the best. Isn't it refreshing to see their laundry hanging in the laundry room, kids stuff sitting around. This is life, let's live it together.

2. Impromptu means people need to bring stuff.

Ditch the stress of the 5 course fully planned meal. Never mind that you wouldn't typically eat nachos and meatballs together. This isn't about creating a fine dining experience, this is about being together. 

If your schedule is like ours you can go back and forth through several weeks of the calendar trying to find a date that works for everyone, but a lot of time the last minute text of 'hey we're free tonight...want to join us?' is the easiest way to connect. PLUS you just ditched all of the stress of everything needing to be perfect!

Now everyone is expecting it to be random and pieced together. I have some lettuce, you bring any other vegetables. I have chili, you bring drinks. I have nachos, you bring whatever you have in your pantry. 

You just set the expectation up for it to be easy, care free AND for everyone to contribute!

3. Impromptu means paper plates win.

Hanging out with people is more important that china plates. If the big clean up and feeling that everything needs to be matching and perfect is stopping you from inviting folks over then just embrace paper plates! I bet your friends will think 'yes! no dishes to wash!', 'yes! let's keep it easy!', 'yea! she's my kind of gal.'

The impromptu dinner begs for paper plates. This is all about finding the space to just make the most of the time you have, no extra time spent on washing dishes.

4. Impromptu means Facebook is not for real. 

I know it looks like everyone else is so busy and has no time to hang out. I know it looks like they are having so much fun all the time with all of their friends. I'm going to gamble and say there are LOTS of days, evenings, weekends where those same folks are thinking - I wish we had another couple to hang out with. I wish we had someone to do life with.

So, even though your mind is telling you 'they're too busy to hang out with us' send the invite anyways. You might just be surprised to find out they're wishing they had friends to do life with too.

You might be surprised how much time they do have to hang out.

Let's embrace the free evenings and thrown together meals and just do life together. Because creating a life you love means making space for these kinds of moments. If you're looking at your schedule and thinking I never have time for anything impromptu then create some time to go through our guide for How to Create a Life You Love. It's easy and fun and helps you see how you can create more space for more of what you love!

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